Shares of oil companies tumbled in premarket trade Monday, as crude prices fell 20% amid a price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia. The Energy Select SPDR ETF XLE, -5.61% was down 16%, as oil majors saw their prices slide up to 20%. Exxon Mobil XOM, -4.82% was down 11.6%, Chevron Corp. CVX, -1.
92% was down 12%, ConocoPhillips COP, -4.96% slid 19% and Occidental Petroleum Corp. OXY, -15.05% fell 25%. Williams Cos. INc. WMB, -5.98% shares were down 9%, Kinder Morgan Inc. KMI, -1.87% was down 7%, and Baker Hughes Co. BKR, -5.18% was down 15% and Marathon Oil Corp. MRO, -12.43% was down 25%.