Just 10 S&P 500 stocks were trading higher on Monday, as benchmark indexes sold off in response to an oil price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia. The biggest gainer was Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. COG, +12.06% after Cowen analysts said the"best-in-class gassy name" should be favored in the current selloff. The stock was up 11.4% in morning trade.
was up 2.6% and Advance Auto Parts Inc. AAP, +1.34% was up 1.2%. The other gainers were Walmart Inc. WMT, +2.31%, up 2%, Dollar Tree Inc. up 1.4%, Twitter Inc. up 1%, H&R Block Inc. HRB, +2.52%, up 1%, Clorox Co. CLX, +2.11%, up 0.9% and Dollar General Corp. DG, +2.01%, up 0.7%.