; explaining the pedigree behind this latest blockchain, decentralized MMO release."is the most sophisticated blockchain MMO game developed to date, [and] will set new standards for blockchain games which typically revolved around mostly the financial parts of blockchain."
The mining process is unique too; it's based on how the players play the game and progressively gets more complicated, as the players get better. The map spawns an area of 8000x8000 blocks, where players can explore, build, train, trade or combat. This level of sophisticated gaming experience, with a blockchain backbone, will start to push the boundaries of gaming a lot further as the decentralized aspect will provide many players with the level of fairness and inclusivity they crave. The added incentives of mining and cryptocurrency can also play a significant role.
Xaya appears to be trying to extend the potential uses of blockchain and crypto further by covering different sectors of the gaming market, with another game they are announcing soon -Football manager games have long been popular, but Xaya seems to believe that the added blockchain bonus of incentivized cryptocurrency earning based on performance can take this facet of the gaming world to a different level.
Génial 👏👏👏
And this is helping Mother Nature how exactly?
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