"GT also tried to contact Ye directly via the last known cell phone number GT had to arrange for personal service," the lawyers at Greenberg Traurig wrote in the filing."This was also unsuccessful, as Ye has apparently deactivated the phone number previously used to contact him."
The timing was bad for Ye. Just days earlier, US District Judge Analisa Torres, who is presiding over the case in a federal court in Manhattan, had ordered both sides to prepare for a trial after they failed to reach a settlement. The company Ultra International Music Publishing alleges Ye stole elements from the 1986 Marshall Jefferson song"Move Your Body"for his song"Flowers," which is reportedly about his ex-wife Kim Kardashian.
. He stopped answering his phone and no longer appears to reside at addresses previously associated with him, they said in court filings. They asked Torres if they could serve him with her order through a text message, but she said no.
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