Echoing concern for the people of Ukraine voiced earlier in the afternoon by McDonald's, Atlanta-based Coca-Cola on Tuesday announced it was curtailing operations in Russia."Our hearts are with the people who are enduring unconscionable effects from these tragic events in Ukraine," the multinational"We will continue to monitor and assess the situation as circumstances evolve," the statement added.
PepsiCo cited"the horrific events occurring in Ukraine" in suspending sales of Pepsi-Cola, 7 Up and other brands in Russia, along with capital investments and advertising in that country, where it's operated for more than 60 years. The company will continue to sell dairy products including milk, as well as baby food and formula, it said.
Starbucks followed suit, saying it was suspending all business activity in Russia, including shipment of its products."Our license partner has agreed to immediately pause store operations and will provide support to the nearly 2,000 partners in Russia who depend on Starbucks for their livelihood."The companies made their announcements shortly after
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Starbucks, McDonald's, Coca-Cola join growing list of companies pausing operations in RussiaHours after McDonald's said it is temporarily closing all of its 850 restaurants in Russia, Coca-Cola and Starbucks announced they would pause operations in the country.
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