His mission? To build state-of-the-art film studios in Ghana and Tanzania. He aims to develop Africa’s growing film industry.“I’m here to bolster the film industry — that is a 10-year process,” he said. “I won’t be able to do that from overseas. I need to be in-country, on the continent.”
The Tanzanian government is excited. “We could see the rise of ‘Zollywood’,” said investment minister Shariff Ali Shariff. He was referring to a potential film industry boom in the country.“We’ve been working on this for three or four years to raise a plan that puts a facility at the centre of African filmmaking,” Elba said. He emphasised the continent’s untapped potential.
“If you watch any film or anything that has got to do with Africa, all you’re going to see is trauma, how we were slaves, how we were colonised, how it’s just war,” Elba said.“It’s really important that we own those stories of our tradition, of our culture, of our languages, of the differences between one language and another. The world doesn’t know that.”Aside from film, Elba also dreams of creating an eco-city in Sierra Leone, where his father was born.
The presence of Blue Light Brigades appears to be increasing with these high-speed motorcades now an almost daily occurrence on SA roads.
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