are unaffected in their current form. No apps will disappear and they can continue to use Google apps, get security updates and receive after sales support as per normal.“Anyone who has bought a Huawei smartphone or tablet, or is considering buying one, can be assured that they will have access to the world of apps, including Google Play Store, WhatsApp, Google Maps, Google Assistant, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and many more," a Huawei representative said.
What's unclear is whether Android software upgrades will cease once the temporary license expires on November 19. Should the ban progress, it's unlikely that existing Huawei handsets will receive software updates beyond Android 10 unless Google is able to secure an exemption license from the Huawei ban.
Huawei relies on ARM for chip architecture designs for its own Kirin processors which it pays to license. Without the licenses, Huawei will not be able to build its own smartphone processors.
Jimparedes tweet_Krishan Nooohhh
tweet_Krishan Who cares, plenty of other options.
Jimparedes tweet_Krishan China stuffs were never ok.
tweet_Krishan I have a Huawei phone I'm using it to reply this tweet.
tweet_Krishan No
tweet_Krishan Is is safe to read any of your propaganda now that you’ve declared for the LNP? I suspect not!
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