Only Kylie and Kris Jenner could make a business meeting look like this chic of an affair. On Sunday night, Kylie took to Instagram to share a photo of herself and her famous momager casually posing on their private plane while wearing matching outfits."Business meetings," the caption reads. For said meeting, the duo both wore black blazers over black tops that they paired with oversize black sunglasses and nearly identical watches and diamond jewelry.
As if the level of extravagance wasn't already at an all-time high, Kylie and Kris accessorized with the exact same handbag: a metallic, silver Hermès Himalayan crocodile bag . So, yeah, it's safe to say business meetings are conducted quite differently over on their side of town. Read ahead to get a closer look at Kris and Kylie's bags and to shop similar styles.
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