Aluminium stocks at three major Japanese ports were down 6.4per cent to 268,600 tonnes at the end of November from 287,100 tonnes at the end of October, Marubeni Corp said on Tuesday.Here is a table of aluminium stocks at major ports :.
Aluminium stocks at three major Japanese ports were down 6.4per cent to 268,600 tonnes at the end of November from 287,100 tonnes at the end of October, Marubeni Corp said on Tuesday.Here is a table of aluminium stocks at major ports :Japan aluminium stocks in November down 6.4per cent m/m -Marubeni
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Aluminium stocks at three major Japanese ports were down 6.4per cent to 268,600 tonnes at the end of November from 287,100 tonnes at the end of October, Marubeni Corp said on Tuesday.Marubeni collects data from the ports of Yokohama, Nagoya and Osaka.Here is a table of aluminium stocks at major por