NASA awarded the lunar-focused company a major contract to build moon data satellites.' stock jumped in early trading Wednesday after NASA awarded the lunar-focused company a major contract to build moon data satellites."This contract marks an inflection point in Intuitive Machines' leadership in space communications and navigation," Intuitive Machines CEO Steve Altemus said in a statement.
McDonald's is selling 50-cent double cheeseburgers for National Cheeseburger Day, Wendy's is giving them out for a penny "We see the win today as a significant catalyst and validation towards LUNR's outlook and the company's ability to continue to win contracts," Sheppard wrote in a note to clients. Benchmark's Josh Sullivan, who also has a buy rating and $10 price target, said he believes the latest award shows that NASA views Intuitive Machines' experience"as elite."
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Lunar company Intuitive Machines' stock jumps more than 50% after NASA moon satellite contractNASA said the company was the sole awardee for a “lunar relay systems” contract, which has a maximum total value of $4.82 billion over five years.
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