A Nottinghamshire business owner has been left fearing for the safety of her customers after a new wall hindered the visibility of motorists trying to enter and exit the premises. Wendy Bigley is the owner of the Paws and Play Paddock in Dunham, which is a secure dog exercise field near Tuxford.
"Our client numbers have dropped due to the difficulties presented with this wall blocking visibility." She claims: "The wall being built at that height poking forward of the clear boundary lines of the properties either side shows a distinct lack of consideration for those using the driveway at Trent farm, pedestrians that use the footpath crossing Trent farms driveway and for vehicles driving down the road, sometimes at some speed, unaware of the possible danger.
"I have to inch out and look around the wall which is a safety hazard for pedestrians and oncoming traffic. If it was in line with the hedge next of the neighbouring property it would give a better/safer aspect."