In a statement on Friday , Sibu OCPD Asst Comm Zulkipli Suhaili said that on Sept 1, the victim saw an advertisement for a high-return investment plan on social media."After the suspect explained to her how the investment scheme works, she expressed her interest in joining the scheme and was added to a WhatsApp group," said ACP Zulkipli.
He said that the suspect then provided a link and instructed the victim to download an online application, share her personal details, and make a payment to start the investment. According to ACP Zulkipli, the victim made investment payments totalling RM 549,000 across 12 transactions into three different local bank accounts from Oct 30 to Nov 14.
He said she suspected the scheme was a scam when she was told that she had to pay RM981,540 to withdraw her investment. She then filed a police report on Thursday .Shorter working hours won’t affect productivity in public sector, says CuepacsPLUS highway lane width reduction does not involve Chinese New Year, Aidilfitiri for 2025, 2026
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