Special Investigating Unit spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago said the Special Tribunal ordered Maczola Tours CC on Wednesday to pay back money after it charged inflated prices for transporting pupils to the rural school."The judgment comes after the SIU was authorised to investigate the awarding of scholar transport contracts… following widespread allegations of irregularities concerning the appointment and overpayment of service providers contracted in terms of the tender," said Kganyago.
"The SIU's evidence suggests that Maczola Tours benefitted unlawfully from the department by an excess amount of R180 793.20," Kganyago added.Join the 1 million News24 readers who are signed up to receive the top, must-read stories of the day in their inbox. Join them and get premium news, every weekday at 6 am."The SIU will now have to file an affidavit explaining how it determined the excess amount, and Maczola Tours will be allowed to make a submission in response.
Brasil Últimas Notícias, Brasil Manchetes
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