revealed that 39% of full-time job applications were submitted to small businesses. Handshake chief education strategy officer Christine Cruzvergara joins Wealth! to discuss this trend.
Here to weigh in on the latest job trends and labor market is Christine Cruz Vergara who is handshakes Chief Education Strategy Officer.Our students care a lot, nearly half of them, 49% of Gen Z cares about making a difference and they find that that is essential to their definition of career success.And of course, small businesses are known to be more ethical, to be community oriented, to be able to give back in those ways.
You know, I I respect all of what you're saying and, and, and part of me is critical as well about what we're hearing from large enterprises and big businesses and some of the the prerequisites that they're putting in job listings as well. And I think you're starting to see some of the most popular majors take computer science, for example, that has really shifted their interest, which before it used to really be around big business.
So I think 100% the work life balance conversation is very much a topic of consideration that is also leading small businesses to really appear to be a very strong contender from what you've noticed. And I think that's an exciting prospect for a lot of employers to be able to bring this generation in and have them help define what those ethics and standards that look like.Transport strike cripples Peruvian cities as crime rates soar