Trump ending stimulus talks could hurt millions of unemployed Americans, set back economy - Business Insider

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'This is incredibly cruel:' Experts say Trump's move to end stimulus negotiations could hurt millions of Americans on unemployment and set back the economy

40% of restaurant owners would go bankrupt within the next six months without government assistance.

"This is incredibly cruel and also just terrible economics," Heidi Shierholz, the director of policy at the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute, told Business Insider. She pointed out people on unemployment typically draw around 40% of their lost wages. Michele Evermore, a policy expert at the National Employment Law Project, told Business Insider that hardship will likely increase among the unemployed without another government rescue package in the short-term.

"Even if we don't see backtracking, I think its likely we'll see much slower growth than we would have otherwise," Tedeschi told Business Insider. "That's a headwind we don't need right now because growth is already slowing.", less than half the prior month's figure and by far the smallest monthly increase since the labor market bottomed out in April.


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Is ‘Business Insider’ yet another left biased news outlet? Can anyone point me to a neutral business account please. A genuine request...

'Let's spend a little over $1 trillion on areas of the economy that are going to be very impactful now that we can agree on,' Mnuchin said. 'If we need to do more, we'll come back and do more and work together'....that included $1,200 checks. Pelosi said no...that was in August.

Maybe you should dig in to it to see what kind of junk was in it.

i agree- wait until we get crooked pelosi out of office - no sense in us paying for their damages & illegals- they want benefits then get citizenship

Hopefully it's just Democrats who continue to vote in these ancient career politicians that get paid to frustrate the rest of us.

Mad King Trump just gets Crazier and Crazier.

Trump is really losing it tonight. There HAS to be an intervention!!

‘This is incredibly cruel’ Experts say Business Insider’s move to vilify President Trump repeatedly, day in, day out, continuously throughout the day, could hurt millions of Americans seeking unbiased & nonpartisan reporting.

Experts say ? Name them, please. Pure guesses. This is a horrendous journalism

That’s what he wants when he loses next month—he’s going to take the whole country down with him. He’s going to try to invalidate the election through SCOTUS.

Good, get back to work (sorry if you’re Governor is a communist and is holding your state hostage so you can’t go to work)

I'll give you a stimulus, but first I need you to something for me. I swear I've heard some shit like that before.

He’s going to announce a vaccine tom and the markets will be up 5%. He’ll know it’s bs and be short the market when it tumbles again when he has a bad day. They may have to suspend the markets if he loses between them and the new potus.

Very true. Without further Relief4Charities now 'nonprofits that people rely on will have to shutter, just as need for their services peaks.' More than 1 million nonprofit jobs have already been lost. As PPP dollars run out, more jobs will be lost.

There are few people who could get both liberals and Wall Street on the same page. Trump has managed to do that.


why is he deflecting yet again 🤔

The cruelty is a feature, not a bug.

Blame crazy SpeakerPelosi !!!

No sense in pointing out he offered more than enough but Pelosi wants to bail out BK Dem states...

Scorched earth - DDT has list his marbles

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