Why you aren't getting promoted — and what to do about it - Business Insider

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5 habits keeping you from getting a promotion — and 5 things you can do today to change them

, broke down some of the most common reasons why you aren't getting promoted, and offered practical solutions to get you to where you want to be.Here are five reasons why you aren't getting promoted — and five steps you can take today to help advance your career.Cenedella says the number one reason that keeps people from getting a promotion is refusing to take personal responsibility.

"A lot of times you overlook it because that boss-relationship feels so fraught with tension and with nerves," Cenedella said. Most bosses, however, wish employees would ask them more often what they can do to improve.The best practical solution to solve a lack of communication with your boss is to set up weekly one-on-one sessions.

Another common reason employees don't get promoted is because their interests differ from the company's interests, Cenedella told Business Insider. For instance, if you ask your boss what he wants, and he'd rather you fill out tax forms when you'd rather be doing a more creative project, that could be a good indicator of why you aren't being promoted.

If you aren't enjoying your work anymore, you've reached the point where it's time to start looking for other jobs. Cenedella does not see


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