Facebook says it will ban all political ads after election - Business Insider

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Facebook says it will ban all political ads indefinitely after polls close for the November 3 election

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg leaving The Merrion Hotel in Dublin after a meeting with politicians to discuss regulation of social media and harmful content in April 2019.Facebook will ban all political ads beginning after the November 3 election, the company announced Wednesday.

Politicians have previously spent large sums on Facebook ads — the Trump campaign bought over $65 million in Facebook ads since July 1, while the Biden campaign bought $45 million in Facebook ads in that time. The move comes after months of mounting scrutiny over the company's handling of misinformation and criticism of its policy against fact-checking political ads.

Facebook has also been weighing how to address possible misinformation after polls close, including potential premature claims of victory while votes are still being tallied.


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After polls? What utter nonsense?

Thank goodness

Translation: Facebook wants to make money until the election day... all political ads are welcome...

Hmm...physical polls may be closed Nov 3 but voting will still be happening (mail in ballot extensions)...

You’d think with all this idiot’s money, he’d get a decent hair cut !

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