A fly on Pence's head was the biggest moment of his debate with Harris - Business Insider

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The biggest moment of the Pence-Harris debate was a fly landing on Pence's head, which sums up how calm it was without Trump

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Trump's absence from the room was the most noticeable aspect of the night, in the sense that it allowed for an actual discussion on the biggest issues of the day. The vice presidential debate between Sen. Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday was as a debate should be: It was largely civil, and not particularly eventful., which prompted a fury of discussion on social media and among pundits on cable news.

"Americans deserve a discussion that is civil. These are tumultuous times, but we can and will have a respectful exchange," moderator Susan Page said at the start of the debate, setting the tone for the night. attacked the Democratic nominee for having a son with substance abuse issues


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Don’t forget the toothpick needed by Kamala


Before Mike Pence, Hillary Clinton had her own fly debate moment

The head of the Chairman of the White House Coronavirus Task Force!

An audio debate with no video will be better.

Fake news

Or how boring Pence was.

I just Infollowed Business Insider. You are biased and untrustworthy

Flies are attracted to shit

I guess that’s all the liberals can attack him on... kinda weak?

You really have to fire these Teen Vogue writers . They should watch the debate before reporting on it.


You know that Harris lost when MSM is trying to make it about a fly


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Source: BusinessInsider - 🏆 729. / 51 Read more »

2020 vice presidential debate between Pence, Harris: key moments - Business InsiderBusiness Insider is a fast-growing business site with deep financial, media, tech, and other industry verticals. Launched in 2007, the site is now the largest business news site on the web. Why did you repost this? Was it because everyone was saying that Kamala got destroyed in the debate? The fly crowned Pence the winner. Couldn’t help but think of Russian expression '.. как мухи на говно' (kak mookhee nah gahvnoh)- “.. like flies on a piece of sh*t” as I was watching that fly land on Mr. Pence The flies have it, the flies have it...🤪
Source: BusinessInsider - 🏆 729. / 51 Read more »

A gigantic fly landed and rested on Pence's head during the vice-presidential debate - Business InsiderBusiness Insider is a fast-growing business site with deep financial, media, tech, and other industry verticals. Launched in 2007, the site is now the largest business news site on the web. That fly got Covid. All the topics tonight and this is what you bring up? Too bad your candidate flopped. The fly doesn't lie!
Source: BusinessInsider - 🏆 729. / 51 Read more »