Apple, Google hire without college degree, but experts say you need it - Business Insider

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Apple and Google are looking for new ways to hire people without college degrees — but experts say college might still be your best bet for landing a high-paying tech job

Apple and Google have been making a big push into education in recent years by launching new programs that aim to teach coding and other tech-oriented skills to students and adults.

If your child is considering pursuing a different route to higher education, like a trade school, experts say the most important thing to do is ensure that it leads to job opportunities.Tech companies like Google and Apple are looking to shake up the education space by offering new programs designed to encourage the development of in-demand tech skills students may not be learning in school.

Executives from Apple and Google have also talked about why the lack of a four-year college degree isn't a deal-breaker when it comes to hiring. A four-year degree tells future employers that you have other attributes that are considered desirable, says Marc Cenedella, founder and CEO of Ladders Inc., a career advice and job search site for positions with annual salaries of at least $100,000.

"It's worth taking the time to consider who your child is, what their interests are, and what they can do with the time," Lynn Berger, a New York-based career coach and counselor that specializes in career transition, said to Business Insider. But above all else, do the legwork and make sure the course your taking will actually result in a career.


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RayMaboya Should create an alternate to College/University degree because probably they don't get what they want, that's the reason they want to ditch them.

sonaliranade College gives you Connections + Credibility

“Experts” have fear. They know college is so overrated. What Apple and Google are doing will be the beginning of the end of college as we know it.

James Damore at Portland State (2/17/18) via YouTube

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2017/08/08: James Damore and his Google Memo on Diversity (complete) via YouTube

If they employ many diversity supremacy leftists and west hater types likely to be an unwelcoming place for Jews?

It's not hard. Apple & huge companies need to create their own alternative to college for HS grads to train them in exactly what the company hires for at minimum tuition. No electives or BS. Accounting, comp sci, marketing, etc. 100% core courses only! Done in much 4 years.

Joe Rogan Experience 1009 - James Damore via YouTube

If you need high-paying job you need to create your network and have experience. Fresh graduate is absolutely 0 benefit for any company. That's all Dear Experts :) Whatever HR Experts getting more stupids step by steps

Are any (of the best) straight white makes of low income backgrounds from local countries generally employed in the senior positions in any corporate functions at those type of companies or no chance?

Harvard Commencement speaker Mark Zuckerberg asks Bill Gates for advice via YouTube

Elon Musk 'I Don't Give A Damn About Your Degree' via YouTube

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