Postal and courier services industry to chart future direction

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

PUTRAJAYA: A postal and courier services industry planning laboratory will be set up on Monday (Oct 12) for two weeks to chart the future direction of...

A postal and courier services industry planning laboratory will be set up on Monday for two weeks to chart the future direction of the industry, said Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Saifuddin AbdullahThe laboratory which would be participated by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission , industry players and related agencies would discuss a strategic plan to bolster the capability of the industry as well as providing the best service to consumers,” he said.

“The volume of letters posted is falling while the emergence of the gig economy saw the work of postmen no longer carried out in the conventional manner. Saifuddin also expressed his appreciation of the services of postal and courier personnel throughout the country who continued to struggle to help Malaysians to go through the Movement Control Order .


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