UK will tax the revenues of big tech companies

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

The United Kingdom has announced plans to tax the revenues of major tech companies


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Bezos abdicates from his human responsibility! 🤢

Good lawyers

By paying their employees 20k year

President Trump

You really need to ask this?

Who cares least making jobs for everybuddy

'One day, I want to return to Bezos and touch butts with my wife' --Bezos😢

Thump is to thank for that

By donating money to politicians and lobbying!

Because they let New York City give them to money to come to our state

When companies line the pockets of politicians then companies call the shots. Even rubbish companies, one of which has its CEO running the country

They buy and sell politicians. Saved you the reading.

By being evil with money.

Let me guess... Is it by fraud?

Ask your management, CNN!

we essentially subsidize them

Fund Obamacare not the useless F***ing Wall

they pay politicians to pass tax breaks for them

Turn on CNN on the tv. The level of fear mongering and Trump demonizing is at an all time high. These propagandists are actually quite funny tonight, but still deranged and sick at the same time.

you might want to look at your own tax bills before posting this...just sayin'

Funny how when Trump says he avoids taxes, it’s smart. When Bezos does it, Trump says he ripping off the American public.


is the answer goptaxscam?

It sucks that they don't pay their fair share. But at least they do it legally. Unlike the Trumps.

Buy off politicians?

Corruption. It's not too hard to figure out.

$13 million and counting!

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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