Making it Work: drone pilot training firm targets €500k initial funding | Business Post

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Avtrain’s founder Julie Garland aims to grow the unmanned aircraft industry in Ireland while keeping the skies safe. donalmacnamee97 reports.

Julie Garland, Avtrain’s founder and chief executive, has years of experience in both the aviation and law sectors

Julie Garland, Avtrain’s founder and chief executive, has years of experience in both the aviation and law sectors, having worked in both industries before establishing the company in 2019. “That’s huge when you consider that there are only about 500 on the live register at the moment. So we’re really going from strength to strength,” Garland said.

Garland said Avtrain was operating at the cutting edge of drone regulation, meaning its services are in huge demand not only in Ireland but around the world. The group, which aims to establish Ireland’s first air taxi service as well as routine beyond visual-line-of-sight drone operations, last week received planning permission to develop the project at a site beside Shannon Airport.


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