dearButtercup HouseDemocrats Investigate and subpoena. Investigate and subpoena. Investigate and subpoena. Investigate and subpoena.
What could possibly go wrong?
Just imagine the 'businessmen'. Scott Pruitt for miles.
'businessment' = 'corrupt friends and crooks'
Thank goodness! Those academics are so greedy - always recommending some expensive “study” on a rock or a critter. Now maybe we can make this public land earn its keep!
Of course—-they don’t want scientific experts, just greedy special interests.
Idiots. Ignore science, but worship the almighty dollar.
Brilliant. Maybe we'll finally start turning a profit selling acorns to all those damn racoons...
Sick about Zinke and all the other crooks he's put in offices that are supposed to be working for the people and the good of the United States. Trump needs to go and take his people with him they are a disgrace as are the old geezer Republicans.
More corporations. More corruption.
These last days not about him is bugging him. At least it’s not playing with nuclear bombs. It’s so sad when that’s the good thought.
And in breaking news, the Pope appoints Catholic priests for bishop.
I need to quit asking myself, “can it get any worse?”
SenateGOP SenateDems HouseGOP HouseDemocrats More moves to exploit NPS. We deserve betetr than this.
Fucking bastards I swear to God........ Oops
Only the best, unqualified people. Let's screw over America and ruin this country so the Russians can conquer these idiots! Sarcasm