The regulator will also launch probes to look into other digital markets over the next year. It will assess the impact of messaging and video calling services, such as WhatsApp, FaceTime and Zoom, on traditional methods of calling and messaging. Ofcom aims to determine how competition in this area could evolve in the coming years and whether the lack of cross-messaging and cross-calling capabilities between the services is a cause of concern.
The agency also intends to investigate the competition in the smart speaker and TV space. It plans to analyze consumer behavior, as well as the bargaining power of major players with companies that provide content for the devices."The way we live, work, play and do business has been transformed by digital services. But as the number of platforms, devices and networks that serve up content continues to grow, so do the technological and economic issues confronting regulators.
That’s why we’re kick-starting a programme of work to scrutinise these digital markets, identify any competition concerns and make sure they’re working well for people and businesses who rely on them." All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission. All prices are correct at the time of publishing.