Billed as a “modern folktale,” the film explores a young man’s fractured identity after his mother’s mysterious disappearance. Guided by a father figure and old friends who care deeply, his journey through the dreamlike spaces of rural England brings him face to face with the loss that haunts him in ways he could never have the first feature from writer-director Fridtjof Ryder.
The film was produced by Henry Richmond, Louis Paine, and Fridtjof Ryder in association with Twenty 20 Media, Fablemaze, Fatcontman, Dva Films, Shakespeare Road, and Zebrafish Media. Executive producers are Trudie Styler, Sam Tromans, Ian Dawson, Zak Brilliant, Guy Davies, Matt Cook, Toby Cook, Thomas Atherton, Dougal Mackenzie Smith, and Shaun Dingwall.Of the film, Mark Rylance said: “This film wakes me at night.