40 000 deaths per year. Guns is a plague
Cons won’t stand for this. They love their guns too much and live with irrational fear.
Those of you against gun control laws,fuck off. I live in Pittsburgh and I don't want to go through what I went through and see my beloved friends, knowing that they could have been there that day,hugging them,the hug of love and appreciation.The kind given from tragedy averted.
Real MAGA stuff not the MoronsAreGreatAgain bs
We've already said no to this. Keep your hands off our guns.
Control the Criminal. It matters not, what tool the Criminal uses to inflict the damage.
Communism is Jewish.
Look, all guns do is simply make it easy to kill a lot of people indiscriminately in a very short amount of time.
Ooooo we can call “Pittcago” or maybe “Chiberg”
there should peace in US...every innocent life is equally precious...guns should not be in civilian possession....they should be only in the hands of well trained trustworthy personnel...
Nearly all gun homicides in America come from people in illegal possession of a firearm. ‘Gun control’ on law abiding citizens is laughable.
If we ban Murder no one will do that.
Good. raisetheage 30 to buy AR