Within the past several years, independent contractors have been working in almost every country around the world. The reason for this is primarily the cost factor for today’s companies. It is simply not cost-effective to hire workers for a one-off job when it is easy to find qualified professionals online who are willing to take on the task.
Such is the case when an international company is branching out to Africa. While they would be hiring permanent staff once the facility is ready for operations, there is often much groundwork to be completed before staffing that location. If you are an international company using African contractors for the initial stages of getting an office set up, here are a few tips on easy ways to pay them from abroad.
However, when travelling across thousands of miles and being transferred from one mode of transport to another, it takes more time than it’s worth. Don’t forget that mostup to ten business days before clearing them as well. When instant money transfers are available, this is the preferred route by companies and contractors alike.