The name Ferrari has long been synonymous with performance. The legendary racing prowess of Ferrari cars has long been telegraphed by the distinctive notes of their hand-assembled internal-combustion engines.
Decarbonization has become an essential business strategy for reducing costs through investments that will ultimately pay for themselves. More efficient energy consumption can shield companies from the unpredictable costs of nonrenewable energy sources. And organizations that produce and store their own energy are more resilient and less reliant on traditional power grids, which can be susceptible to disruptions, giving them greater potential to be stable, competitive, and profitable.
The automaker is also creating an off-the-grid carport with a photovoltaic system on its canopy that will feed a battery-storage system, connected to a real-time monitoring system, that can charge its current hybrid and forthcoming fully electric vehicles. The photovoltaic system will help Ferrari reduce its COPursuing decarbonization projects on multiple fronts might be economically unfeasible for any company working with multiple vendors.
Eaton, a power-management company based in Ireland, approaches sustainability from a unique position of expertise. The company helps its customers manage electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical power and has produced solar panels for European Space Agency space missions.
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