The year 2022 has been one of substantial change, especially in the workplace, where organisations of all shapes and sizes have had to navigate through the post-pandemic normal.
So why would anyone want to head back to the office? Well, like it or not, we humans need to feel connected to thrive. Our worsening energy crisis means that most South African businesses are without electricity during the working day, which creates an added burden of stress for employees who are unable to properly conduct their roles and responsibilities.
We have seen major decisions handed down from leaders for execution without any context or consultation. Whilst at times this is a necessary approach, it leads to demotivation. Everyone wants to feel like they are a valued member of a team, and that their views are appreciated. I have seen so many instances over this year where better communication and inclusive decision-making would have led to far better results.Allowing people, the space to breathe has been so important.
In Flight Levels thinking, for example, we talk about “agile interactions” rather than meetings, to become explicit about intended purpose, format, outcomes, inputs, and participants. The aim is to examine and replace the abundance of meetings with a smaller set of truly focused interactions.