Using Zapper will link customers to over 27 000 merchants, ranging from restaurants and larger retailers to spaza shops, MTN said.
"Financial inclusion is critical in building a more equitable society and MoMo offers the very best of digital financial services to emerging markets, and it’s just set to grow. Particularly useful for those living and working outside of urban centres, we’re pleased by the innovation we’ve unlocked through MoMo since we launched in 2019," said Felix Kamenga, MTN SA Chief Officer for Mobile Financial Services.
"We want to unlock economic growth through financial and digital solutions for consumers and businesses of all sizes. As we grow our service offering, we aim to create a marketplace that supports cashless and digital economies through affordable, inclusive, understandable, and comprehensive financial services," Kamenga added.
MTN said the rationale behind MoMo is to make payments easier and safer for both consumers and businesses, adding that its point-of-sale offering aims to save small business owners the cost of monthly fees. "The aim of our POS solution is to help grow formal SMEs and stimulate the growth of spaza shops across SA," MTN said.In times of uncertainty you need journalism you can trust. For 14 free days, you can have access to a world of in-depth analyses, investigative journalism, top opinions and a range of features. Journalism strengthens democracy. Invest in the future today. Thereafter you will be billed R75 per month.