Inglewood BIA seeks end of business-front protests

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Inglewood BIA seeks end of business-front protests yyc

A small number of protesters continue to rally outside storefronts on Inglewood’s 9th Avenue S.E. most Thursdays, gatherings which have now taken place for nearly two years. The protests began in opposition to COVID-19 public health measures, but carried on even as Canada moved past pandemic-related restrictions.Sign up to receive daily headline news from the Calgary SUN, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.

“We just want the protesters to acknowledge that they do have an impact on the businesses that they’re protesting in front of, and further down the street and down the main street as well,” Allard said. He added he’s spoken directly to protesters to suggest they move to the bridges. “, they’d have just as much exposure from vehicular traffic without impacting the business community … If the protesters want to be good stewards in the neighbourhood, which they’ve said they are being, then they should recognize it has a bad and negative impact on businesses.”


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Inglewood BIA seeks end of business-front protestsThe group wants anti\u002Dgovernment protesters to move their weekly demonstrations off of Inglewood\u0027s main street and onto nearby public spaces. Protesting must be lucrative business nowadays.
Source: calgaryherald - 🏆 64. / 52 Read more »