China weighs in on the Ukraine war, pushing Europe to stop trying to get Kyiv 'complete victory' | Business Insider

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Chinese diplomat said Beijing believes negotiations would be a better route forward.

China weighs in on the Ukraine war, pushing Europe to stop trying to get Kyiv 'complete victory'Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Chinese President Xi Jinping at BRICS Summit in Brasilia. "We are quite concerned about the possible escalation of this conflict," China's diplomat to the EU said.

"We are quite concerned about people talking about winning a complete victory on the battlefield," Fu went on to say."We believe that the right place would be at the negotiating table." While the Chinese diplomat warned against supporting a victory over Russia on the battlefield, Western leaders and officials have repeatedly warned that if Russia succeeds in Ukraine, it, a self-governing island democracy that China sees as a breakaway province.

His comments on the war in Ukraine came as Kyiv continues to push for more advanced weapons from Western countries.


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Are we surprised by this pronouncement?

A kyiv victory can and mist be the only outcome of this war. Cannot negotiate with someone who invaded another sovereign state and committed war crimes and human rights abuses. The war is being prolonged due to USA/Eur corruption and no attacks being made on Russia in Russia.

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