Eco-friendly home catches downdraft of a falling market

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Business Business Headlines News

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In August, the price for the four-year-old house was lowered to $2.048-million. Months later, an offer acceptable to the seller finally came through, pegged at $1,933,000

. Though below asking, the price is still a premium for the Etobicoke neighbourhood, Ms. Vradis said.

“[The builder] used materials that others aren’t willing to use because they’re so expensive. Especially now, you see these cookie cutter houses that come out with very basic stuff.”The living room opens to a deck above the garage, and the family room exits to a deck and the back yard on the 25-by 187-foot lot.This two-storey house was constructed following green building standards, including an insulated concrete block foundation and a grey-water recovery system.


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