How to become a digital nomad and build a business abroad

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I'm a digital nomad who built my business to $1.5 million in revenue last year working from countries like Colombia and Argentina. Here's what to know about running a company while traveling abroad.

Cody May has lived in countries like Brazil and Argentina and paraglided through Colombia, all while building a business that booked $1.5 million in revenue last year.

I decided to spend some time traveling while building my brand, so I packed up everything and moved to Los Angeles. I stayed there for four months before heading back to Canada for some time. With an inkling to travel again, my friend and I chose Colombia as our next stop. We spent time hopping from city to city in Colombia, including Medellín and Cartagena. Then we went to Argentina and spent some time in Brazil.

There are definitely some things I miss about having an office space and being able to communicate directly with my team. That's why I've made an effort as a founder to set up events in a few of the countries I've worked in to connect with the employees in those areas. For instance, when I was in Argentina, I flew in my operations director and my chief operations officer and we did a full event with the majority of our team because many are based there.


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