too stupid... they need any yellow vests? :-p
Well, less than 4% of gas stations are in shortage or empty. That hardly can 'urgent crisis'. This kind of misleading news only fuel people's paranoia. There's a temporary shortage caused by providing gas by bus instead of pipes where must of the robbery occurs. Temporary.
It’s a major crisis that is affecting not only the automobile industry, but the whole economy. Policeman riding bikes in Mexico City due to gas outage. It’s ridiculous!!!
Socialist communism sucks
Impossible for Mexico to even have gasoline crisis since it's the world's 11th oil producer in the world and not an OPEC member. It ain't like in the 1970s, 2 asymmetric oil shock because the world depended on Middle East oil at the time.
Fuel crisis? What is this the 70s? News: US president faces impeachment
Spain ruined Mexico, Central and South America.
We should pay for their gas! Well not directly, but through some half-done trade deals for exported coal.