Both are wrong. Club control is way too long based on how long a players career is. Owners finally being smart only lines their pockets as they not only avoid paying for performance in early years they now don’t pay in FA years either. The system is flawed.
Just because players aren’t getting absurd money they are asking for its collusion? it’s about time owners and GM’s smartened up.
It is our money. Without our money there is no money for the players.
You are free to find another line of work.... let me know how that works out for you
Headline should read: Spoiled bratty players demand that owners overpay for their services regardless of performance.
Actually, it IS our money, from the tickets we buy to go to a game, to the jerseys we get if our favorite player, to the ever expensive cable packages and sponsors we buy products from. We expect our teams to spend 'our' money in 'our' best interests, not yours.
The egos of pro athletes is something to behold... I guess that's how they get to where they are. He contradicts himself. Fans shouldn't care about analytics (that tell us who is good or not/if the money should be spent elsewhere), but we should care about signing good players.