If you're in a meeting and you don't want to be, just leave, says Stanford business professor

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Business Business Headlines News

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The meeting that could have been an email is not going away.

, it seems like some corporations are determined to deliver their employees back into a world of lengthy all-hands or workshops.Robert I. Sutton, an organizational psychologist and professor at Stanford University, has a counterintuitive solution if you find yourself stuck in a pointless meeting: just leave.

If this is the case, Sutton says you can excuse yourself in a polite way that doesn't invite any questions.In school we learn to sit in our place until the end of class and you can't leave unless you have some incredibly dramatic excuse.Growing up, we are taught to endure some obligations. "In school we learn to sit in our place until the end of class and you can't leave unless you have some incredibly dramatic excuse," he says."A lot of times we treat life like we are on an extended flight in the middle seat and there is no way we can get out," he says.

Of course, there are some professions where leaving a situation is not an option. "I don't want an anesthesiologist to walk out on me mid-operation," he says.DON'T MISS: Want to be smarter and more successful with your money, work & life?


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