Support small businesses at the My Cape Town Market Atlantis

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

Looking for something fun to do this weekend? Visit the My Cape Town Market Atlantis, hosted by the City of Cape Town in support of small businesses and entrepreneurs in the Mother City:

The City’s mayoral member for economic growth, Alderman James Vos, said that the concept of the market was created to boost economic opportunities and enhance the prospects for small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs.He added that small businesses fuel Cape Town’s economic innovation and prosperity, ‘One thing is for sure, entrepreneurs breathe life into the community.’

‘Don’t miss this opportunity this weekend to have fun with your family at the market and enjoy the products and services on offer while supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs. It is the perfect place to connect local traders with a new market of consumers,’ concluded Alderman Vos.Location:


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