Oshkosh to pay $800 million to buy John Bean Technologies’ AeroTech business to enter the air transportation support market

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

Vehicles and equipment maker Oshkosh Corp. announced Tuesday an agreement to pay $800 million in cash to buy John Bean Technologies Corp.’s AeroTech...

Vehicles and equipment maker Oshkosh Corp. OSK announced Tuesday an agreement to pay $800 million in cash to buy John Bean Technologies Corp.’s JBT AeroTech business. Shares of both Oshkosh and JBT were still inactive in the premarket. Oshkosh said the purchase of AeroTech, which provides aviation ground support products and gate equipment and airport services, will give Oshkosh an entrance into the air transportation support market.

OSK announced Tuesday an agreement to pay $800 million in cash to buy John Bean Technologies Corp.’s JBT AeroTech business. Shares of both Oshkosh and JBT were still inactive in the premarket. Oshkosh said the purchase of AeroTech, which provides aviation ground support products and gate equipment and airport services, will give Oshkosh an entrance into the air transportation support market.


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