$2.5M in watches stolen from Staten Island business in well-planned burglary

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Business Business Headlines News

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It happened on Memorial Day at 10:30 p.m. at The Wrist Watcher on Arthur Kill Road in Tottenville.

The business is located on the third floor of a nondescript office building at the foot of the Outerbridge Crossing.They entered the office, removed the safe, ransacked the business, and destroyed part of the surveillance camera system. Other cameras in the building captured the images that police released.The thieves got away with $160,000 in cash and watches valued at $2.5 million.

"We've had an unfortunate incident of a robbery at our office. While I can't discuss details due to an ongoing investigation, we're working with authorities to resolve this. "This isn't just about watches, it's about our shared passion and journey. As my team and I tackle this challenge, your support keeps us moving forward.


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