Customer says wireless company refuses to cancel plan though they're too ill to use the phone

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Every month like clockwork, Straight Talk charged the Christiansens $38 — even though Karelyn said her husband Scott cannot hold a phone, much less use it. She said all she'd heard from the company was cancellation was not possible.

LAYTON — Canceling a cellphone contract can be daunting even under the best of situations. When there is a terminal illness involved, you might think it would be a relatively simple task, especially when the carrier boasts it does not have contracts. Yet, Karelyn Christiansen found canceling anything but simple.

Her husband, Scott, has had a phone and plan from Straight Talk for about eight years. But last summer, illness incapacitated Scott and wiped out much of his memory. So, every month like clockwork, Straight Talk charges the Christiansens $38 — even though Karelyn says Scott cannot hold a phone, much less use it. She said all she has heard from the company is cancellation is not possible.


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