journal, reveals extreme skepticism about the notion of “green growth.” For those not up on the latest climate politics, green growth is the idea that the economy can be encouraged to continue to grow even as governments adopt more climate friendly policies“Despite strong promotion of green growth by policymakers and international institutions, there is mounting criticism concerning the compatibility of continued economic growth with sustainability goals,” the article inis challenging the idea that green growth is fundamentally possible or even desirableA large share of the climate experts reject green growth in...
That’s a pretty extreme stance. The moderate stance, however, is also pretty far out there. It is termedand instead of seeking outright economic contraction—known to the rest of us as recession—it would prefer policymakers justand instead focus on the environment above all else. The authors of theA climate change activist protests during Paris Fashion Week on October 5, 2021, in Paris, France. just 27 percent of climate researchers support green growthposition finds adherents among 28.
President Joe Biden speaks on how “Bidenomics” is helping clean energy and manufacturing, at Arcosa Wind Towers in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on August 9, 2023. a majority of climate researchers oppose green growth policiesThe Biden administration likes to claim it iswhen it touts environmental measures. In fact, climate researchers are saying that. No doubt, many of those in the Biden administration know this—and an economy permanently in contraction or without growth.