Want a soap that smells like mangy coyote?
Neuspeed12 this is for you
Is the tagline 'even you can smell like an alcoholic'
Want to smell like fake news..........tune in to
That'll confuse the heck out of the cop administrating the sobriety test...
That won’t go over well at the roadside checks.
'No officer I was drinking, I just shower in rum & coke' 😆😂🤣🤣🤣 WTF? WHY?
Need a nice gift for Julian, boys? MSmithBubbles realrobbwells
Uh yaaaaa! 👍
kebbett tonythetiger18 If I wanted to smell like rum and coke I’d borrow “Stinky” Dean Lombardi’s jacket. The green one...
Why would you heat yourself out like that ?
What’s next? Cigarettes and shame?
Smell like a drunk? COOL Jk