Identity Crisis in the Gaming Industry

  • 📰 Kotaku
  • ⏱ Reading Time:
  • 28 sec. here
  • 8 min. at publisher
  • 📊 Quality Score:
  • News: 36%
  • Publisher: 86%

Gaming News

Identity Crisis,Gaming Industry,Fashion Choices

The article discusses the identity crisis within the gaming industry, focusing on the fashion choices at events like The Game Awards and the attempt to ape Hollywood. It questions the industry's identity and the different personas it portrays.

Hey, remember me? I’m the girl who, right before the 2022 Game Awards, said Xbox head Phil Spencer dresses like my dad when he goes on a Sunday morning bagel run. (We squashed the beef at Summer Game Fest, don’t worry.) Though I was being playful and pointed with my fashion critiques, I wasn’t just speaking to the style (or lack thereof) on display at gaming’s biggest night, but how it’s indicative of a larger identity crisis within the industry.

On nights like The Game Awards, this multi-billion-dollar industry tries its hardest to ape Hollywood, with a glitzy production, A-list actors, and, bizarrely, men in sweatshirts. It begs the question: Who are we? Are we all wealthy industry leaders wearing denim jackets in an attempt to look more approachable, more pedestrian? Or are we wannabe fashionistas from Long Island leaning too hard into living in Brooklyn? Or schleppy gamers who throw on whatever is on top of their clothes chair in the morning? The answer is simple: We’re all of i


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