Following recent promotion of Welsh wool in building design, Hughes Architects is turning its focus to another sustainable and locally sourced material – straw.
According to a report by the University of Bath, straw walls in new houses can provide two times more insulation than required by current UK building regulations. It found energy bill reductions of up to 90 per cent could be achieved. Straw can also provide insulating infill. When combined with a timber frame, straw bales can be used within wall cavities, providing superior insulation compared to conventional methods.
“Straw, a by-product of cereal crops, often has limited uses. Construction projects create a new demand stream, offering economic benefits to the agricultural community,” added Doug."We’re committed to promoting sustainable building practices that benefit both the environment and the local economy. Straw bale construction perfectly embodies this philosophy. It reduces our reliance on less eco-friendly materials while creating new opportunities for the farming industry.