The Big Picture Before the end of the iconic sitcom, The Big Bang Theory, CBS aanounced the arrival of its successor show, the prequel series, Young Sheldon which would focus on the childhood and formative years of the world renowned physicist, Sheldon Cooper played by Jim Parsons in the flagship series and Iain Armitage in the prequel. While both series had Sheldon Cooper as focal points, they both effectively developed the character arcs for several supporting characters.
The new clip officially establishes them living with the McCallisters, with Georgie turning on the charm and making breakfast — not that Audrey is the least bit impressed by the gesture. As can occur during family meals, Georgie's lack of employment becomes a topic of conversation. Mandy's father, Jim attempts to speak to him about a potential work opportunity, presumably at the McCallister tire shop, but Audrey shuts him down.
The final episode of Young Sheldon airs on May 16. Past seasons are streaming now on Paramount+ in the U.S. Watch the promotional clip above.