Exterior of a Google office located in Seattle's South Lake Union, where a pro-Palestinian rally is taking place.
Project Nimbus is a cloud computing project of the Israeli government and its military. The Israeli Finance Ministry claimed that the contract is to provide the government — and its defense establishment — with an all-encompassing cloud solution, but tech workers and engineers are voicing their concerns over the controversial project, claiming Israel is using the technology unjustly against Palestinians.
No Tech for Apartheid has more than 93,500 signatures attached to a campaign to end Project Nimbus and other businesses with “the Israeli apartheid government and military.” “I’m a Google software engineer and I refuse to build technology that powers genocide, apartheid or surveillance,” the employee shouted before being escorted out by security, according to. “Project Nimbus puts Palestinian community members in danger. Don’t cloud for apartheid. Don’t tech for apartheid. Free Palestine!”