Uncertainty for Aberdeen's oil and gas industry over the race to net zero

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Oil News


The oil and gas industry was once a job for life but experts have warned the transition to renewable energy could lead to thousands of job losses.

ITV News Scotland Reporter Louise Scott meets concerned workers in Aberdeen as the oil and gas industry takes a hit due to net zero policyExperts have warned the transition to renewable energy could lead to thousands of job losses.

"Workers from the city, who are just back from three weeks on the oil rigs, tell me 'everybody worries for the future'." Port of Aberdeen Chief Commercial Officer, Roddy James said: "We all know that the oil and gas industry is decreasing and declining, but it also can't go off a cliff edge because if it does, then you've got this big gap for the new investment comes into renewables, which we believe is between four and five years away."In the UK one in 220 jobs is in the offshore energy industry, in Scotland, that increases to one in 13, and in the country's northeast it is one in five.


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