Protests turned violent again last night at Mozambique’s Ressano Garcia border post and well-known digital creator Mano Shottas was shot and killed while capturing the police and defence force’s actions.
Ressano was under Tear gas. The man shot was on the streets Live on Facebook criticizing the way security forces were… insider with sound knowledge of the situation said unhappy truck drivers, and not protesters, started the chain of events. According to him, the drivers barricaded the road at KM4, a customs clearance stop. “There were not even protesters in sight,” he confirmed and stated that he was witness to what happened.
The press release quoted CTA president Agostinho Vuma: “We have some multinationals that are taking steps to declare force majeure, so we are warning that, while urgent acts of the truce are taking place, there is also a need to help control the main corridors.” Caxton Network News further confirmed that 99% of South African farmers have suspended activities and returned to South Africa until the political unrest has been resolved.
The Australian company told investors that the nationwide unrest had an impact on its efforts to resolve existing protests in Balama.