A 57-year-old deliveryman in Johor Baru lost RM34,800 to a fake investment scheme advertised on social media. The victim came across a Facebook post about the investment opportunity on November 21 and decided to give it a try. He connected with a foreign woman named Lily on the platform. Initially, Lily asked the victim to replace her at her part-time job. She then introduced him to another foreign woman, claiming to be an investment coach.
Convinced, the victim transferred RM34,800 from his savings into the investment scheme through six separate bank accounts between December 2 and December 28. When asked to deposit an additional RM14,881.30 to cash out, the victim realized he had been scammed and did not complete the seventh transaction. The case is being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating. The Johor Baru South OCPD, Asst Comm Raub Selamat, urges the public to use the Semak Mule portal to check suspicious accounts before making transactions and advises those who have fallen victim to a scam to contact the National Scam Response Centre at 997 immediately